Brazil Fair Institute
In feudal Japan in the 19th century, peasant Ayumi struggles to protect Ren, her great love, pursued by a corrupt tyrant, after his father, the head of the village, denounced him for abusive tax collection in the hamlet. They circumvent death, unite an entire village, fight samurai and still face the cold and looters, on the dangerous journey towards the Monastery of Soheis (warrior monks), where they seek refuge and training to obtain justice.
A century later, Ayumi is Ana, a newly formed forest engineer, descended from wealthy generations of cattle ranchers in Valença, Rio de Janeiro, who travels to the Amazon to implant in her family's lands an innovative agricultural technique that recovered the landscapes spent by livestock in her hometown. Upon arriving in Paragominas she is surprised by the discovery of illegal logging on her farm. When investigating the environmental crime Ana rediscovers Ren, who in this life is Antônio, an astute and influential lawyer. He helps her investigate and punish the culprits, while your growing feelings show that there is an even greater mystery between the two.
Gender: Feminine.
Age: 22.
Hair: Short dark brown / Long.
Eye color: Brown.
Body: Thin, with defined contours.
Race: White.
Time: 1996 / 1997.
Origin: Brazil > Rio de Janeiro > Valença.
Posture/Style: She dresses in a basic and stripped way. Speaks little, listens and observes people, analyzing them naturally and in depth, from the psychological causes of their actions to their dramas and mental obscurations. She is intuitive, sensitive, dreamy, idealizing and musical. Ana also has energy to work and a strong rational side. She creates and participates in ingenious sustainable solutions, creative and intelligent initiatives that show how to reconcile profit with the environment and society.
Fun: Music plays a fundamental role in her life, Ana connects with it to release her emotions. Her feelings of happiness and sadness are expressed in the lyrics she writes, in the melodies she composes, when sings, dances and plays her guitar. She loves to open a wheel in the countryside to fraternize. Her favorite place is the forest and sport: tree climbing, to be in the forest canopy.
Frustration: As a teenager, she used to spend hours playing her guitar in the woods near the farm, climbing trees and knowing each one, until her father (colonel João Bastos) turned the area into pasture. The results from the burned rainforest still echoed in her mind: charred bodies of the animals, stumps of trees, everything black and dead. Over the years, she understands that her father, rich and prominent, descendant from countless generations of ranchers, who loved her so much and had always given her the best, sees the humble rural workers, the land, forest and animals, as mere means to make a profit.
Occupation: In 1997, Ana is a Forest Engineer, recently graduated who begins to participate in the technical / administrative management of her family's businesses. This, however, is only possible because in the previous year, she led an initiative that recovered spent land after the pasture, in the area surrounding her hometown. The success of this movement had repercussions even in the neighboring cities, which made her father realize the potential of her only daughter.
Religion: Non-practicing spiritist.
Sex Life: She is very romantic, devotes time and energy in search of her perfect match, feeling like he exists. In addition, she sublimates and idealizes the sexual act, for her there is no sex without love.
Morality: Kind, loyal and responsible. She acts in accordance with her conscience, not being attached to the current laws or social conventions.
Ambition: To change the way of doing business in her family, proving to her father that sustainable models can generate even more money than traditional ones and bring socio environmental advantages.
Temperament/Attitude: Introspective. She prefers to keep silent than generate fruitless discussions. So, Ana only speaks when realizes that will be heard.
Gender: Male.
Age: 43.
Hair: Short black hair.
Eye color: Black.
Body: Tall (1.80) and muscular (from years that helped his father in fishing).
Race: He belongs to the traditional Amazonian population, which is basically, made up of blacks, indigenous people and whites, with a predominance of the “Amazonian caboclo”, the fruit of the miscegenation of the races.
Malvino Salvador’s
Time: 1997.
Origin: Brazil > Pará > Curuçá.
Posture/Style: Recognized for his above-average intelligence and a keen vision that often leads him to foresee and deduce the facts, being "the guy" to unravel puzzles and obscurities; and still create extraordinary solutions in extreme situations. He is courageous and influential, with a huge network of contacts, covering people from different social levels and areas of knowledge. Most, however, do not notice his tics and eccentricities. Antônio protects himself and never reveals completely, being a little mysterious.
Fun: Lundu dance, carimbó and other Amazonian musical rhythms. He likes to bring joy to people (dresses as a clown, performs magic, theater and storytelling). In addition, he enjoys technology and being in nature. His greatest refuge is artisanal fishing with his father, in Curuçá, beloved land.
Frustration: With a humble background, he is the eldest son of an angler from Curuçá, who as a child watched helplessly, his mother gradually to get sicker until losing her to the cancer. Antônio had to grow up fast to help his father and sister not to succumb either.
Occupation: His semi-illiterate father encouraged him from an early age in his studies, reinforcing the importance of education in his life as well as respect for nature. As a result, Antônio became not only a lawyer specializing in Environmental Law, but a social and environmental cause fighter in the region, with participation in social movements and a wide network of contacts. Employed at a Brazilian NGO, he is legally responsible for proposals for new public policies, laws, decrees, provisional measures, norms and resolutions that protect the environment, animals and local communities. For this, he participates in conventions, manifests and petitions to prevent setbacks and seek for advances in Brazilian environmental legislation.
Religion: Non-practicing Catholic.
Sex Life: He has already been married, but his ex-wife betrayed him and even asked for the separation. Antônio hates that everyone knows about the failure of his marriage. It is out of his control avoid the judgement of the people, at least they don´t know the truth: that he never loved his ex-wife or lived a love relationship with anyone, because whenever he felt minimally involved, broke up; preferring stay in cold relationships, easy to separation. Antônio cannot love, because he feels insecure, as if he were in danger. In his mind, at some point, he will lose his loved one (for whatever the cause, even a natural one) and his fear is to get crazy and not surviving, when arrives the time.
Morality: he is a good person, who fights on behalf of his community and in defense of nature. If threatened, uses his innumerable skills to defend himself, however, if this won't enough and his fear increases, Antônio becomes capable of any action to protect himself and without regrets. In this sense, he takes a “tortuous” and “dangerous” path, where creates psychological maneuvers, which he is not the responsible of action anymore. To do it, erases his own memories and alters reality, only to remain in the dark, cowardly opting to confuse himself, in order to, not face the truth and mainly the root cause of everything: his own fear, intense enough to make Antônio to sacrifice his ethics and sanity.
Ambition: Being surrounded by people, having true friends, being approved by everyone (including in his choices) and appearing to have a perfect life. Antônio is naturally social and charismatic, and knows how to take care of his image. The result is that everyone really likes him and admires him.
Temperament/Attitude: Diplomatic and kind, he knows what, when and how to say something. Antônio almost never loses control and knows the means to achieve the ends.
Gender: Feminine.
Age: 17.
Hair: Long black hair.
Eye color: Black.
Body: Tough.
Race: Asiatic.
Danni Suzuki’s Profile
Time: 1862 and at the end 1881 - from Edo (feudal Japan of the Samurai) to Meiji (modern Japan).
Origin: Japan > Tochigi Prefecture > Yanaka village.
Posture/Style: Haughty, strong, silent, concise, serious, and deep in her feelings.
Fun: To practice kendô (fight with bamboo), martial arts, chess, sports, music (to play the flute and koto) and knowledge.
Frustration: Social and gender inequalities. Ayumi is revolted by the restrictions imposed on her for being a woman, and daughter of a humble farmer in a small village.
Occupation: farmer and at the end of the season: Professor Sora (pretends to be a man) the only way, in that epoch, to become a renowned intellectual who teaches at Tokyo University.
Religion: Buddhist.
Sex Life: Ayumi is inexperienced in love. She has never kissed on the mouth and finds it difficult to release as a woman, needing a lot of confidence to move forward. Even with Ren, the man she loves, hides her feelings. She only reveals herself through her actions, she makes all kinds of sacrifices to protect and save him.
Morality: Kind, loyal and responsible.
Ambition: Studying at a university and supporting herself with her intellectual work. Freedom and independence.
Temperament/Attitude: Reserved, except through music, which is when she shows her feminine, social and loving side.
Note on Ren and Ayumi: They form a remarkably powerful pair, even more after their stay at Sohei Temple, where they receive teachings from Buddhist masters and training in martial arts. The interesting thing is that their weakness is in the emotional dependence / obsession they feel for each other.
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hair: Long black hair
Eye color: Black
Body: Tough
Race: Asiatic
Wang Yibo’s Profile
Time: 1862 and at the end 1881 - from Edo (feudal Japan of the Samurai) to Meiji (modern Japan).
Posture/Style: Prodigy, exhibited, daring, playful, intrepid, talkative, visionary (in addition to the taboos of his time) and with the ability to understand and protect the community (as the son of the village chief, he was trained for this purpose, since he was a child).
Fun: Kabuki (Japanese theater) and other stage activities that bring joy to people; kendô, martial arts, chess, sports and knowledge.
Frustration: he received a severe education since childhood, suffering until adolescence for being sensitive.
Occupation: first a farmer, then the village chief and at the end of the season: a politician from Tochigi province.
Religion: Although Buddhist, he doesn't follow much.
Sex Life: He is attracted and increasingly in love with Ayumi. He creates his own world with her, understands and admires her for the same reason that others repel her, because she does not adhere to social conventions and does not accept the role restricted to women of the time. He appreciates her strength, independence and intelligence.
Morality: Kind and loyal, but if attacked, he may be capable of brutal and incorrect acts.
Ambition: When he was a child he imagined follow his father steps and becomes the leader of the village. At the end, he wants become a politician to protect his community.
Temperament/Attitude: As a child, he used to be explosive, over time he learns to control himself, becoming diplomatic.
Note on Ren and Ayumi: They form a remarkably powerful pair, even more after their stay at Sohei Temple, where they receive teachings from Buddhist masters and training in martial arts. The interesting thing is that their weakness is in the emotional dependence / obsession they feel for each other.
Projetos Socioambientais
Gender: Male.
Age: 23.
Hair: Blond and short.
Eye color: Blues.
Body: Tall and thin.
Race: White.
Bruno Gagliasso’s Profile
Time: 1997.
Origin: Brazil > Pará > Paragominas.
Posture/Style: Seductive, charming, refined, self-confident, enterprising, astute and independent. Always in fashion.
Fun: Seduction games. He makes promises, lies about his feelings, pretends not to be interested, anything to make others fall in love for him.
Frustration: -
Occupation: Even with two older brothers, he quickly gained the admiration and confidence of Jacob, his father, taking over the business and daring in a way that Jacob had never done.
Religion: -
Sex Life: Conqueror, he easily seduces the women of the region, his promising and independent way attracts them and his classic beauty makes him looks like the “prince enchanted”. The only woman he dated was Luana, the daughter of one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in Paragominas. The courtship took place at a time when livestock was in crisis. The relationship opened the door to the export market, making his father recover the money. He was never faithful to Luana. At the moment, he is alone.
Morality: False, he does not reveal his true thoughts and intentions, except to his father, the only person with whom opens up and respects. The two share the same unilateral and superficial view, with the difference that Cícero is more aggressive and efficient, therefore capable of causing greater damage to achieve his financial goals.
Ambition: Enrich, increase the wealth of his family.
Temperament/Attitude: Good-natured, pleasant, polite, cold, vain and frivolous.
Gender: Male.
Age: 28.
Hair: Long black hair.
Eye color: Black.
Body: Tough.
Race: Asiatic.
Time: 1862.
Origin: Japan > Tochigi Prefecture.
Posture/Style: Powerful and feared. He always wears clothes suitable for the highest class of samurai warriors. Recognized for his mastery of kenjutsu (sword fighting) and his influence on Daimyo. He arrives in group, with his own samurai guard: trained, armed and obedient.
Fun: Sadistic games. Itaro takes pleasure in causing fear and subjugating people.
Frustration: -
Occupation: He is one of Daimyo's trusted men and represents the Rokkaku clan in Yanaka Village and other villages in Tochigi Prefecture. But his feudal lord is unaware of the corruption of his management.
Religion: -
Sex Life: -
Morality: Wicked, cowardly and vindictive. If challenged, he tortures the person to death, as an example for anyone who dares to question or disobey him.
Ambition: Power. He invents pretexts to increase the taxation of peasants and gets rich with the exploitation of the others.
Temperament/Attitude: Imbalanced, psychotic, unpredictable, angry and moody.