Brazil Fair Institute
In feudal Japan in the 19th century, peasant Ayumi struggles to protect Ren, her great love, pursued by a corrupt tyrant, after his father, the head of the village, denounced him for abusive tax collection in the hamlet. They circumvent death, unite an entire village, fight samurai and still face the cold and looters, on the dangerous journey towards the Monastery of Soheis (warrior monks), where they seek refuge and training to obtain justice.
A century later, Ayumi is Ana, a newly formed forest engineer, descended from wealthy generations of cattle ranchers in Valença, Rio de Janeiro, who travels to the Amazon to implant in her family's lands an innovative agricultural technique that recovered the landscapes spent by livestock in her hometown. Upon arriving in Paragominas she is surprised by the discovery of illegal logging on her farm. When investigating the environmental crime Ana rediscovers Ren, who in this life is Antônio, an astute and influential lawyer. He helps her investigate and punish the culprits, while your growing feelings show that there is an even greater mystery between the two.

The Institute

I arrived in the Amazon in 2009 with the intention of researching to write a book, I ended up connecting with traditional communities (grouped in associations) and the socio-environmental initiatives that they were working to survive. As a result, I founded an institute to obtain resources to support their sustainable businesses.
With the boom of TV series, I abandoned the book and perfected myself in scripts, to create the series Coalition Point, using the cinematic art and an electrifying story, to generate empathy with the defenders of the Amazon; the traditional communities; the forest and the solutions that exist today.
There is still time to build a sustainable future for the Amazon!
Why create an Institute called Brasil Justo?
The Institute Brasil Justo (IBJ) was created to reduce social inequalities and the destruction of the environment, presenting a new way of production that thinks the best way to do something, considering the aspects: economic, social and environmental. The objective is to reconcile the interests of different sectors of society, using simple, creative and intelligent solutions, which allow the generation of profit combined with the conservation of the environment and a better distribution of income.
The capitalist mode of production since its emergence has caused distortions and anomalies, by valuing profit to the detriment of all other social and environmental aspects. Over the years, capitalism has expanded and its large-scale practice combined with the current model of neoliberal production has aggravated the destruction of the biosphere and social cruelty. The planet is no longer able to support this devastating model, it is necessary to improve the capitalist mode of production, including an intelligence that also values the social balance and the conservation of the ecosystems that still exist.
IBJ is a legal entity under private law, in the form of a non-profit civil association, with no political or religious purpose, whose purposes are:
→ Create sustainable and fair business opportunities for income generation and conservation of the planet,
→ Promote social development,
→ Ensure the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity,
→ Contribute to preserving cultural identity and improving the quality of life of local populations.
IBJ also acts as a transformative agent for the construction of a new social order by practicing and disseminating a solidary economy, fair trade and conscious consumption, adhering to the Culture of Peace and its fundamental principles, which are Freedom, Equality and Fraternity.
The board is formed by:
Chief Executive Officer: Branca Duboc Pedrinha
Financial Director: Célio Pereira de Carvalho
Administrative Director: Dilson Lopes de Jesus
More details are in the Publishing area, article: Why create an Institute called Brasil Justo?

Branca Duboc Pedrinha
Founder of IBJ - Institute Brasil Justo and creator of this series.
The way many things happen in our lives is not premeditated. Simply we are taken to embark on something other. However, if we open our minds and make good choices, something much bigger than we were imagined can emerge from this reality.