Brazil Fair Institute
In feudal Japan in the 19th century, peasant Ayumi struggles to protect Ren, her great love, pursued by a corrupt tyrant, after his father, the head of the village, denounced him for abusive tax collection in the hamlet. They circumvent death, unite an entire village, fight samurai and still face the cold and looters, on the dangerous journey towards the Monastery of Soheis (warrior monks), where they seek refuge and training to obtain justice.
A century later, Ayumi is Ana, a newly formed forest engineer, descended from wealthy generations of cattle ranchers in Valença, Rio de Janeiro, who travels to the Amazon to implant in her family's lands an innovative agricultural technique that recovered the landscapes spent by livestock in her hometown. Upon arriving in Paragominas she is surprised by the discovery of illegal logging on her farm. When investigating the environmental crime Ana rediscovers Ren, who in this life is Antônio, an astute and influential lawyer. He helps her investigate and punish the culprits, while your growing feelings show that there is an even greater mystery between the two.

Sustainable development initiatives: family farming, agroforestry systems and logging with forest management;
Amazon Forest: threatened biodiversity;
Illegal logging schemes in the Amazon;
Livestock farming in Brazil and its social and environmental impacts;
Logging in the Amazon: cycles and impacts;
The ruralists and its maneuvers at the congress;
Occupation of the Amazon by the military government, with sequelae still felt today;
Heroine: creation of a character in honor of the American missionary, Dorothy Stang, murdered in land conflicts in Pará;
Cultural Manifestation: June Festival and Círio de Nazaré;
Alternative production models, based on the establishment of partnerships between sectors for a sustainable way of life;
Conference of Parties (COP) - supreme body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its contribution to advancing Brazilian environmental legislation;
Social Agents: community leaders, university students, field workers, academics, foresters and agronomists engineers, lawyers, inspectors, ranchers, loggers and environmentalists;
Movement: MST (Landless Rural Workers Movement)
Organs / Entities:
The University of Italy, UFRRJ Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro and UFPA Federal University of Pará;
The Paragominas Church;
The Third Sector: CPT (Pastoral Land Commission);
The Government: INCRA (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform), EMATER (Company of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of the Government), IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources);
Research Centers: EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), IMAZON (Amazon Institute of Man and Environment), and INPE (National Institute for Space Research);
In Japan:
Socioeconomic, political and cultural aspects of the late Edo period.