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  • Sustainable development initiatives: family farming, agroforestry systems and logging with forest management;

  • Amazon Forest: threatened biodiversity;

  • Illegal logging schemes in the Amazon;

  • Livestock farming in Brazil and its social and environmental impacts;

  • Logging in the Amazon: cycles and impacts;

  • The ruralists and its maneuvers at the congress;

  • Occupation of the Amazon by the military government, with sequelae still felt today;

  • Heroine: creation of a character in honor of the American missionary, Dorothy Stang, murdered in land conflicts in Pará;

  • Cultural Manifestation: June Festival and Círio de Nazaré;

  • Alternative production models, based on the establishment of partnerships between sectors for a sustainable way of life;

  • Conference of Parties (COP) - supreme body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its contribution to advancing Brazilian environmental legislation;

  • Social Agents: community leaders, university students, field workers, academics, foresters and agronomists engineers, lawyers, inspectors, ranchers, loggers and environmentalists;

  • Movement: MST (Landless Rural Workers Movement)

  • Organs / Entities:

    • The University of Italy, UFRRJ Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro and UFPA Federal University of Pará;

    • The Paragominas Church;

    • The Third Sector: CPT (Pastoral Land Commission);

    • The Government: INCRA (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform), EMATER (Company of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of the Government), IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources);

    • Research Centers: EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), IMAZON (Amazon Institute of Man and Environment), and INPE (National Institute for Space Research);

  • In Japan:

    • Socioeconomic, political and cultural aspects of the late Edo period.

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